




Using ListView Behaviors, How do I get values/object of selected item or selected row?

Below is what i tried and I get a property that says "SelectedItem" but i cant access it. What am I missing?

What I have tried:

               <behaviors:EventHandlerBehavior EventName="ItemSelected">
                   <behaviors:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding OnItemSelected}"  />

 public BurialsViewModel()
     _onItemSelected = new Command(OnSelectedItem);

// viewmodel


ICommand _onItemSelected;
      public ICommand OnItemSelected
          get { return _onItemSelected; }
      void OnSelectedItem(object sender)
           //I need values from sender

很难从有限的代码片段中分辨出来。您似乎没有将 ListView 控件的 ItemsSource 绑定到中的集合视图模型。此外,应该有一个 SelectedItem 属性,您可以绑定到该属性而不按照您的方式执行。 [更新:]以下是如何数据绑定: ListView数据源 - Xamarin [ ^ ]

Xamarin [ ^ ]有一个 tonne您可以学习的资源 [ ^ ]。这是一个提供超出您需要的链接,但将涵盖您想要的内容: Multi - 选择ListView - Xamarin [ ^ ]。另请查看他们的论坛...... [ ^ ]
Hard to tell from the limited code snippets. It appears that you have not bound the ItemsSource of the ListView control to the collection in your ViewModel. Also, there should be a SelectedItem property that you can bind to without doing it the way that you are. [update:] Here is how to databind: ListView Data Sources - Xamarin[^]

Xamarin[^] has a tonne of resources[^] that you can learn from. Here is a link that offers more than what you need but will cover what you want: Multi-select ListView - Xamarin[^]. Also check out their forums...[^]