




Please help me out to resolve a conflict. I have made untiring efforts to resolve, but coudln''t.

I have shown my data in a GridView in Windows Forms. I want that when I make chages on the GridView, using it like an Excel sheet, the changes should be reflected back in the database.

I am currently using this code:

da = new SqlDataAdapter();
cb = new SqlCommandBuilder(da);
myGridView.DataSource = ds.Tables["UserDetails"];


da.Update(ds, "UserDetails");


What''s wrong? How can I edit specific cell values?




但是,如果仍然有问题,则可能需要设置TableMappings.我建议阅读以下内容: ADO.NET中的表映射 [
To begin with, the DataTable.AcceptChanges method doesn''t do what you think it does. Here''s a brief synopsis of how the DataTable works. When it initially loads all of the data, it sets each row''s DataRowState to Unchanged. Whenever a change is made to a DataRow the state changes to either Added, Deleted, or Modified. This state is recorded so that when a DataAdapter needs to update the database, it knows exactly what rows it needs to update and how to update them.

Your first problem is that the AcceptChanges method tells the DataTable to reset all of the DataRowStates to Unchanged and tells it to delete any rows with a state of Deleted. This means that when the Update command is called, the DataAdapter thinks that it doesn''t need to do anything.

The first step is to reverse those two lines of code. This might solve your problem, but it also might not. If it works, then, it''s a pretty simple solution.

However, if you still have issues, you may need to set up the TableMappings. I would suggest reading this: Table Mapping in ADO.NET[^] if you need to do that.