“phonegap build android"之后的APK文件在哪里?命令?


在phonegap build android"命令之后,我在D:\firstapp\platforms\android\ant-build上搜索了.apk文件,但我只找到了CordovaApp-debug.apkCordovaApp-debug-unaligned.apk 文件...

After "phonegap build android" command,i searched .apk file on D:\firstapp\platforms\android\ant-build but i found only the CordovaApp-debug.apk and CordovaApp-debug-unaligned.apk file...

我在哪里可以获得我的 .apk 文件,如果 firstapp 也是我的应用程序名称,仍然只找到 CordovaApp-debug.apk 文件..

where can i get my .apk file, Also my app name if firstapp, still only CordovaApp-debug.apk file found..

实际上我是 phonegap 的新手,帮帮我...

Actually i'm new to phonegap, help me...

您找到了正确的 apk.Cordova 是 Phone Gap 的新名称.CordovaApp-debug.apk 是您的 apk.-debug 部分意味着它是用默认调试密钥签名的.

You found the right apk. Cordova is the new name for Phone Gap. CordovaApp-debug.apk is your apk. The -debug part means that it was signed with the default debug key.

当您将 apk 上传到 Google Play 时,您需要使用自己的密钥对其进行签名.但是现在,您可以使用当前的 apk 在您自己的设备或您朋友的设备上进行测试.

You need to sign it with your own key when you upload the apk to Google Play. But for now, you can use the current apk you have to test it on your own device, or on your friends devices.