为什么javascript没有加载document.readyState ===" complete"


我刚开始从 w3school 学习javascript,我找到了out你只能在HTML输出中使用document.write。如果在文档加载后使用它,整个文档将被覆盖。所以我试着写下面的代码来检查有效性:

I have just started learning javascript from w3school and I have found out that "You can only use document.write in the HTML output. If you use it after the document has loaded, the whole document will be overwritten." so I have tried to write following code to check the validity:

        <title>ashish javascript learning</title>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
        <p> sample html with javascript </p>
            document.write("<h1>this is heading</h1>");
            document.write("<p>this is sample para</p>");
            if(document.readyState === "complete"){
            function loaded(){
                document.write("<p>loading content after the document has been loaded");


Code is still showing the old value and is not overwriting the content of the web page. Could you suggest me what am I doing wrongly.

当你正在测试 document.readyState ===complete,文件的readyState 不是完成,它是加载,所以没有任何反应,并且从未调用已加载

At the time you're testing document.readyState === "complete", the document's readyState isn't "complete", it "loading", so nothing happens, and loaded is never called.

您可以侦听readyState进行更改,然后检查它是否完整(或收听 window.onload 这更容易):

You can listen for the readyState to change, and then check to see if it is "complete" (or listen to window.onload which is easier):

document.onreadystatechange = function () {
  if(document.readyState === "complete"){