如何在 Angular/Ionic 服务中使用自定义 Cordova 插件方法


我正在将自定义 Cordova 插件集成到 Ionic 应用程序中.我们让第 3 方创建了一个 Cordova 插件来与蓝牙设备连接.运行 cordova platform ls 显示插件已正确安装:

I'm working on integrating a custom Cordova plugin into an Ionic app. We had a 3rd party create a Cordova plugin to interface with a bluetooth device. Running cordova platform ls shows the plugin has been correctly installed:

$ cordova plugin ls
> com.sitename.product 0.0.0 "DeviceProbe"

该插件包含一个 probe.js 文件,其中包含连接、读取、轮询和其他操作的方法.

The plugin contains a probe.js file containing methods for connecting, reading, polling and other actions.


var callNative = function(service, action, success, error, args) {
    if(args === undefined) args = [];
    cordova.exec(success, error, service, action, args);

var thermProbe = {

    // Methods here


module.exports = thermProbe;

为了在我们的控制器中使用插件,我需要创建一个 Angular 服务包装器,如 此处描述.

In order to use the plugin in our controllers I need to create an Angular service wrapper, as described here.


I've created a factory to handle this.


(function() {

    'use strict';

    var serviceId = 'Probe';
    angular.module('thermProbe').factory(serviceId, ['$q', Probe]);

    function Probe($q) {

        var service = {
            'connect': connect,
            'disconnect': disconnect,
            'getReading': getReading,
            'getName': getName, 
            'getHigh': getHigh,
            'getLow': getLow,
            'pollReading': pollReading,
            'stopPolling': stopPolling,
            'isPolling': isPolling

        return service;

        // Method wrappers

        function connect() {

            var q = $q.defer(); 

              cordova.plugins.thermProbe.connect(function (result) {
              }, function (err) {
            return q.promise;




Probe 服务注入控制器工作正常.当我在我的设备上运行它时(使用 ionic run android),我收到以下错误:

Injecting the Probe service into a controller works fine. When I run this on my device (using ionic run android) I get the following error:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'connect' of undefined

追溯到包含 cordova.plugins.thermProbe.connect() 的行.

我也尝试过使用 cordova.plugins.probe.connect() 但收到相同的错误.

I've also tried using cordova.plugins.probe.connect() but receive the same error.

如何从 /plugins/com.sitename.product/www/probe.js 获取方法以在 /lib/probe/probe.js 中工作?

How can I get the methods from /plugins/com.sitename.product/www/probe.js to work in /lib/probe/probe.js?

经过多次反复试验(和 console.loging),我能够解决这个问题.

After much trial and error (and console.loging) I was able to solve this.

$window 对象有一个 probe 对象,其中包含所有需要的方法.我猜 probe 名称来自 Cordova 插件配置.

The $window object has a probe object containing all the needed methods. I'm guessing the probe name comes from the Cordova plugin config.


<js-module src="www/probe.js" name="probe">
  <clobbers target="probe" />
<platform name="ios">
  <config-file target="config.xml" parent="/*">
    <feature name="probe">
      <param name="ios-package" value="productName"/>
<platform name="android">
  <config-file target="res/xml/config.xml" parent="/*">
    <feature name="probe">
      <param name="android-package" value="com.sitename.productName"/>
      <param name="onload" value="true" />


function connect() {

  var q = $q.defer(); 

    $window.probe.connect(function (result) {
    }, function (err) {

  return q.promise;
