如何使MVC Web应用程序进行调整以自动适应不同的屏幕尺寸


我的MVC Web应用程序非常适合台式机显示器,我尝试将其从17英寸增加到22英寸.但是,当将它加载到14或15"的笔记本电脑屏幕上时,某些字段被移出位置,使Web应用程序看起来不整洁.我用

My MVC web application fits perfectly onto desktop monitors, which I've tried from 17" up to 22". However when it was loaded onto a laptop screen, which was 14" or 15" some fields were pushed out of position making the web application untidy looking. I used

<meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=Edge">


as I thought this would solve the issue but it hasn't. Is there a way of being able to display the application on laptop screens?


You're going to have to edit the CSS for smaller screens using media queries. By doing this you can set certain CSS rules depending on the size of the screen. Example:

//for a mobile sized screen
@media screen and (max-width: 300px) {
    //CSS for all screens under 300px


You can continue doing this for a few diferent screen sizes. you can also do styles for ranges of screen sizes. Example:

@media (min-width: 301px ) and (max-width 700px) {
    //CSS for all screen sizes between 301px and 700px


If you are using MVC though you should have Bootstrap installed in the project. If so have a look at how to use Bootstrap's column layout, its a powerful tool for creating responsive websites that look great on all screen sizes.