


I'm writing a basic c# class for custom IOC container with two Public methods Register() & Resolve() and one private Method CreateInstance()

在下面的代码中, CreateInstance()方法,我在不使用泛型的情况下获取语法错误来解决依赖关系(注释行),我可以解决依赖关系,并且工作正常,而在将泛型用于默认类型转换时,我遇到了语法错误

In the below Code, CreateInstance() method, i'm getting syntax error to Resolve the dependencies (commented line), without using Generics I could resolve the dependencies and it works fine, while using generics for default typecasting I'm getting syntax error


Can anyone help me on this Commented Line?

  public class Container
    static Dictionary<Type, Func<object>> registrations = new Dictionary<Type, Func<object>>();
    public static void Register<TService, TImpl>() where TImpl : TService
        registrations.Add(typeof(TService), () => Resolve<TImpl>());

    public static T Resolve<T>()
        var serviceType = typeof(T);
        Func<object> creator;
        if (registrations.TryGetValue(serviceType, out creator)) return (T)creator();
        if (!serviceType.IsAbstract) return CreateInstance<T>();
        else throw new InvalidOperationException("No registration for " + serviceType);

    private static T CreateInstance<T>()
        var implementationType = typeof(T);
        var ctor = implementationType.GetConstructors().Single();
        var parameterTypes = ctor.GetParameters().Select(p => p.ParameterType);        
        //var dependencies = parameterTypes.Select(Resolve).ToArray();            
        return (T)Activator.CreateInstance(implementationType, dependencies);


I know this is a post from a while ago however if anyone is wondering how they could dynamically pass a type you can do it with reflection using the code below:

        var dependencies = parameterTypes.Select(paramType => typeof(Container).GetMethod("Resolve")?.MakeGenericMethod(paramType).Invoke(null, null)).ToArray();            


This will find the Resolve method, use the parameter type as it's generic type, and then invoke it with no arguments.