如何通过代码自定义CRM 2016中的电子邮件模板


我正在使用CRM 2016,并尝试通过添加动态数据来自定义电子邮件模板。我知道CRM仅允许使用特定的原始实体,但是当我浏览旧代码时,我发现可以使用{0},{1}等'来从非原始实体(按代码)注入数据-不幸的是,代码无法经过测试...

I am using CRM 2016, and trying to customize email template by adding a dynamic data. I know that CRM allows to use only specific vanilla entities, but when I explorer an old code I found an option to use {0}, {1} etc' for injecting data from non vanilla entities (by code) - unfortunately that code cannot be tested... Have someone heard or know about that way? is it possible? what to google for?

Dynamics的电子邮件模板有缺陷。您要么不能使用自定义实体,要么就没有翻译。我改用这个工作流程。它可以完成所有操作: https://github.com/rtebar/dynamics-custom-emails

Dynamics' email templates are flawed. You either can't use custom entities or you have no translation. I use this workflow instead. It can do everything : https://github.com/rtebar/dynamics-custom-emails