

我们使用以下方法在电子邮件上创建了extendedProperties val uId = getUniqueId();

We have created extendedProperties on emails using val uId = getUniqueId();

val emailExtendedPropDef = new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(uId,"uniqueId", MapiPropertyType.String)
    try {
      email.setExtendedProperty(emailExtendedPropDef, uId.toString)
    } catch {
      case e: Exception =>
        error(s"Exception in setting extended property for user $from", e)
        throw e


Now we want to iterate over the emails in sent folder and go over the extendedProperties for the emails that have been set

val view = new ItemView(1000)
    var extendedPropertyIndex = 0
    var bodyList = new ListBuffer[String]()
    val propertySet = new PropertySet(BasePropertySet.FirstClassProperties

    try {
      val findResults = service.findItems(WellKnownFolderName.SentItems, view)
      if (findResults.getTotalCount > 0) {
        val iterator = findResults.getItems().iterator()

        while(iterator.hasNext) {

          val item = iterator.next()

          val extendedPropertyCollection = item.getExtendedProperties()

          println("count is "+extendedPropertyCollection.getCount())
          if (extendedPropertyCollection.getCount() > 0)
               //do some processing



尽管我们知道这些项目我们已经使用上述逻辑设置了extendedProperty,但我们一直将计数设为 0 ……

We have been getting the count as 0 eventhough we know for these items we have set the extendedProperty using the above logic ......


It will be of great help if someone could point us in the right direction on why we are receiving 0 count for the extended properties and also our requirement is to retrieve all the emails with extendedProperties set


val emailIdPropDef = new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(DefaultExtendedPropertySet.PublicStrings,"uniqueId", MapiPropertyType.String)
    val propertySet = new PropertySet(BasePropertySet.FirstClassProperties, emailIdPropDef)



But still no luck any pointer in the right direction will be of great help


Exchange will only return the extended properties you request it to return. So you need to add the extended property to the PropertySet your using in the FindItems operation and it will then get returned if it has been set on any objects that FindItem returns.eg this property

val emailExtendedPropDef = new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(uId,"uniqueId", MapiPropertyType.String)


val propertySet = new PropertySet(BasePropertySet.FirstClassProperties)


and that property set should be used on this ItemView

val view = new ItemView(1000)
val.PropertySet = propertySet