如何检查电子邮件地址是否与 Paypal 帐户相关联?


是否有一种简单的方法 (API) 可以确定用户是否拥有 Paypal 帐户?谢谢

Is there an easy way (API) to find out if a user has a Paypal account or not? Thanks

是 - 查看新的 PayPal 自适应帐户 API (https://www.x.com/community/ppx/adaptive_accounts).

Yes - check out the GetVerifiedStatus Method in the new PayPal Adaptive Accounts API (https://www.x.com/community/ppx/adaptive_accounts).

显然,除非有有效用例,否则每个人都不允许访问此 API.因此,请联系 PayPal 技术支持,看看您的用例是否符合此 API 的条件.

Obviously this API access is not allowed for everyone unless there is a valid use case. So please contact the PayPal Technical Support to see if your use case qualifies for this API.