


Is there a way of closing all cursors that have been used to query a certain database?


I Don´t have the variable names, need a "close.all" sort of code.


Suppose you have some of these cursors, managed by external libraries (Parse Offline DataStore), not by your own code:

Cursor cursorvariablenames = database.rawQuery
("SELECT " + NAME + " FROM " + TABLE_NAME + " WHERE " + DAY_PERIOD[day_counter * 2]
+ " = '" + day + "' AND " + DAY_PERIOD[day_counter * 2 + 1] + " = "
+ Integer.toString(period), null);

我知道sqlite的DB =(ParseOfflineStore)的名称,并希望关闭正在使用或指向朝着这个数据库的所有游标。

I know the name of the sqlite DB = (ParseOfflineStore), and would like to close all cursors that are used by or point toward this DB.


I'll answer my own question to this: There's no solution at sight, no response from Parse team neither.

我现在用的共享preferences 文件来处理本地数据喂小部件​​。任何使用解析本地数据存储中会产生成光标误差随着时间的推移。

I am now using SharedPreferences file to handle local data to feed the widget. Any use of Parse Local Datastore will yield into cursor errors over time.


Hope this help someone experiencing the same problem while querying local sqlite databases from homescreen widgets and/or services.