


I am trying to get a custom sound to play when my Apple push notification is delivered. The popup message displays, and the badge updates too, but I always get the default iPhone sound playing instead of my custom sound.


Here's the JSON data I am sending:


{"aps": {"sound": "sound.caf", "badge": 2, "alert": "Successfully registered device"}}

我的sound.caf文件位于我的Xcode项目的顶层,它肯定出现在结果中。 app(由Finder中的查看包内容确认)。

My sound.caf file is at the top level of my Xcode project, and it definitely appears in the resulting .app (as confirmed by 'view package contents' in Finder).

声音文件在我的Mac上播放正常。最初我尝试过.caf,.m4r和.wav文件,但没有人会玩。我还试过使用 Urban Airship 示例项目中的一个.caf文件(我我非常自信必须工作,但不可否认我自己也没有尝试过,但这也不起作用。

The sound file plays fine on my Mac. Initially I tried .caf, .m4r and .wav files, but none would play. I have also tried using one of the .caf files from an Urban Airship sample project (which I'm pretty confident must work, but admittedly I haven't tried it myself), but that didn't work either.

Apple docs 定义接受的编码和文件格式(.wav,.aiff或.caf)。

The Apple docs define the accepted encodings and file formats (.wav, .aiff or .caf).


I've tried very short sound files as well as longer ones (to be sure I am underneath the undocumented 30 second limit).


Has anybody got any other hints/suggestions for me to try?


My problem was that I wasn't actually updating the application on my test iPhone. I was updating the version in iTunes, but I hadn't incremented the "Bundle version", so iTunes wasn't pushing the new application to the phone.


To be sure your updated application is being copied to the phone, watch the iTunes status message carefully. It should say:



Updating applications on 'device'
Installing 'application'


If in doubt just delete the existing app from the device.