

我正在使用VS 2012更新4和MonoGame 3.3。

我的游戏在调试模式下编译,构建和运行模拟器。当我将编译器配置切换到Release for Any CPU时,我收到错误消息'名称空间名称'Xna'在命名空间'Microsoft'中不存在(你是否缺少程序集引用?)

I'm using VS 2012 update 4 and MonoGame 3.3.

My game compiles, builds and runs on the emulators in debug mode. When I switch the compiler configuration to Release for Any CPU, I get error messages 'The type or namespace name 'Xna' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft' (are you missing an assembly reference?)




http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/solved-store-test-kit-error.261000/ [ ^ ]

不幸,但看起来我只需要跳过自动化测试。这看起来有点奇怪,因为这些东西在VS Express for WP7下运行得很好。
Unfortunately the WP8 version of MonoGame doesn't support "Any CPU", so you have to switch back and forth between x86 (for running in the
emulator) and ARM (for running on a real device, and for publishing to the store).

Also found this link


Unfortunate, but it looks like I just need to skip over the automated tests. This seems a little strange since this stuff worked just fine under VS Express for WP7.