

我建立的门户网站在ASP.NET MVC 3,使用远程Web服务为只与数据库进行通信的方式。 Web服务有需求总有用户名/密码的请求头通过,否则拒绝该呼叫。

I'm building web portal in ASP.NET MVC 3 that uses distant web service as only way to communicate with database. Web service has requirement to always have Username/Password passed in request header, otherwise it rejects the call.

我已重写ASP.NET成员,使我的ValidateUser方法将用户名/密码,以Web服务登录方法,如果认证成功返回真/假。它的工作原理相当不错的使用提供了MVC 3空网络模板AcountController。因为我要通过每一个Web服务调用用户名/密码,我为他们节省开庭。

I have overridden ASP.NET Membership so that my ValidateUser method sends Username/Password to web service Login method, and returns true/false if authentication is successful. It works quite nice with AcountController provided with MVC 3 Empty internet template. Since I have to pass Username/Password on every web service call, I'm saving them in Session.



If I close browser and reopen it... I remain logged to website, but my Session variables are expired, so none of my requests to web service are being accepted, even though I'm still logged with credentials.


I'm looking for nice suggestion how to sync user logged in state with session state. Either to keep them both persistent until log off is used or to have them both dispose on browser being closed.



When the user signs in using your AccountController, try setting the auth cookie like this:

FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.UserName, false);


This should tell ASP.NET to delete the cookie when the browser window is closed. Then, when user opens up a new browser, both the session and the auth cookie should both be destroyed.