


I am trying to pass a bearer token in the header to authorize client connections. The SignalR hub authorizes client by grabbing the bearer token from the header. I cannot modify the SingalR hub code to use a query string to get the token, nor can I use the built-in JWT token functionality.

如何向SignalR Typescript客户端添加自定义标头?

How do I add a custom header to the SignalR typescript client?


The only thing I can think to do is override the HttpClient in to add the header however I am not sure if this is possible or how to do this.

我正在Angular 8中使用@ microsoft/signalr和最新的@ microsoft/signalr软件包.

I am using @microsoft/signalr in Angular 8 and the latest @microsoft/signalr package.


You can add a custom HttpClient in the options when building the connection.


class CustomHttpClient extends HttpClient {
  public send(request: HttpRequest): Promise<HttpResponse> {
    request.headers = { ...request.headers, "customHeader": "value" };
    // ... http call

let hubConnection = new HubConnectionBuilder()
    .withUrl(url, { httpClient: new CustomHttpClient() })

可能可以从 DefaultHttpClient 继承,并在您的send中调用DefaultHttpClient的send,因此您无需自己实现Http调用.

It might be possible to inherit from the DefaultHttpClient and in your send you call the DefaultHttpClient's send so you don't need to implement the Http calls yourself.

https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/issues正在跟踪一流的支持/14588 .