


我正在尝试在左侧使用固定宽度的边栏,然后在右侧使用普通的Bootstrap container-fluid.

I am trying have a side column on the left with fixed width, and then, on the right a normal Bootstrap container-fluid.


Even if the sidebar is not inside the Bootstrap structure, it is OK. I mean it hasn't to be with col-xx-xx class.


Whatever I do the main problem is that I don't manage to make the fluid container stays beside the sidebar.


The point is also that if I display to none the sidebar, the fluid container has to use the full width of the page.


A fixed-fluid layout is possible in Bootstrap 3, but now that Bootstrap 4 is flexbox this layout is much easier. You just need to enable flexbox, and make a few simple adjustments to set the width of your fixed side column flex: 0 0 300px;, and then flex: 1; on your main column to fill remaining width...

Bootstrap 4 Alpha 2 http://codeply.com/go/eAYKvDkiGw

这是最新的 Bootstrap 4 (默认为flexbox)的更简单的更新:

Here's a simpler update for the latest Bootstrap 4 which is flexbox by default:

Bootstrap 4 Alpha 6或Beta http://codeply.com/go/V9UQrvLWwz

 @media (min-width: 576px) {
     .sidebar {
          max-width: 280px;

<div class="container-fluid">
    <div class="row flex-nowrap">
        <div class="col-md-4 col-12 sidebar">

        <div class="col-md col-12 main">
            <h2>Main (fluid width...)</h2>

另请参阅:如何使用Twitter Bootstrap构建2列(固定-流畅)布局?

更新2018年 Bootstrap 4.0.0示例