SQL Server - 为where子句条件提供优先级

SQL Server  - 为where子句条件提供优先级



Please consider the following SQL

declare @t1 table(site int, id int, name varchar(2))
declare @t2 table(site int, id int, mark int)

insert into @t1
select 1,1,'A'
union select 1,2,'B'
union select 1,3,'C'
union select 2,2,'D'
union select 2,3,'C'

insert into @t2
select 1,1,10
union select 1,2,20
union select 0,3,30
union select 1,3,40
union select 2,3,40
union select 2,3,40

select distinct a.site, a.id,a.name,b.mark
from @t1 a 
inner join @t2 b
on (a.site =b.site or b.site = 0) and a.id = b.id
where a.site=1



------------------------- ---

1 1 A 10

1 2 B 20

1 3 C 30

1 3 C 40


但我想要一个人的数据一次。 SQL应首先检查@ t2中是否有针对特定站点的人员条目。如果找到了条目,则使用它。如果没有,那个人的标记将是在网站0中具有相同名称的人的标记。




1 1 A 10

1 2 B 20

1 3 C 40

但是如果(1,3,40)不在@ t2,结果应该如下。


---- ------------------------

1 1 A 10

1 2 B 20

1 3 C 30





It produces the following result
site id name mark
1 1 A 10
1 2 B 20
1 3 C 30
1 3 C 40

It''s correct.

But I want a person''s data exactly once. The SQL should first check whether there is an entry for a person in @t2 for a specific site. If entry is found, then use it. If not, the mark of that person will be the person''s mark who has the same name in site 0.

In this case, I want the result as follows.
site id name mark
1 1 A 10
1 2 B 20
1 3 C 40

But if (1,3,40) isn''t in @t2, The result should be as follows.
site id name mark
1 1 A 10
1 2 B 20
1 3 C 30

How can I do this?
I can do it using CTE.
So please provide me a faster way.
I''ll run it on about 100 millions rows.


I have found solution. I have to write query as follows. But still in confusion about performance.
declare @target_site as Int = 1
select distinct a.site, a.id, a.name, b.mark
  from @t1 as a inner join
    @t2 as b on a.site = @target_site and a.id = b.id and
      ( a.site = b.site or ( b.site = 0 and not exists ( select 42 from @t2 where site = @target_site and id = a.id ) ) )