Hibernate hbm2ddl.auto,可能的价值观和他们做什么 - 任何官方的解释?

Hibernate hbm2ddl.auto,可能的价值观和他们做什么 - 任何官方的解释?


我正在查看Hibernate hbm2ddl.auto 配置属性及其可能的值:

I am looking at the Hibernate hbm2ddl.auto configuration property and its possible values:

  • 验证

  • 更新

  • 创建

  • create-drop

  • validate
  • update
  • create
  • create-drop


Is there an official, full explanation about what all these values do?

Hibernate参考文档仅简要介绍 create-drop ,但不会说关于其他值的任何内容:

The Hibernate Reference Documentation only talks briefly about create-drop, but doesn't say anything about the other values:


当创建 SessionFactory 时,自动验证或将模式DDL导出到数据库。使用 create-drop ,当 SessionFactory 被明确关闭时,数据库模式将被删除。

Automatically validates or exports schema DDL to the database when the SessionFactory is created. With create-drop, the database schema will be dropped when the SessionFactory is closed explicitly.

例如 验证 更新 | 创建 | create-drop


I found very useful explanations in these SO questions:

  • Hibernate hbm2ddl.auto possible values and what they do?
  • Schema is not dropped on hbmddl.auto = create.drop


But still nothing in the official documentation. Any pointers?


The link you provided is already the official documentation. So, there's nothing more official and comprehensive as-of today.


So I guess the answer to your question is two-fold:

  • either file an enhancement request in the Hibernate issue tracker (better with a proposal)
  • or read the corresponding code


I know this isn't the perfect answer you dreamt about, but this is actually all you have today.

但好消息是项目是开源的,所以你需要帮助改进它: - )。

But the good news is that the project is open-source, so you have all you need to help improve it :-).