



I am trying to figure out how to remove the white space you see in the image below (surrounded by a red rectangle). Notice I have a ListView embedded in a parent ListView.


<ListView x:Name="___listview" HasUnevenRows="True">
                    <Button Image="{Binding ImageName}" Command="{Binding ShowDetailsCommand}" />
                    <ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Notes}">
                                <TextCell Text="{Binding Note}" />


This probably isn't needed, but here is the model...


namespace ViewCellClick
    public class ModelBase : INotifyPropertyChanged
        public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
        protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
            if (PropertyChanged != null)
                PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

    public class Model : ModelBase
        public Model()
            _imageName = "ellipses_vertical.png";
            _showDetails = true;
            ShowDetailsCommand = new Command(() =>
                ShowDetails = !_showDetails;
                ImageName = (_imageName == "ellipses_vertical.png")
                                        ? "ellipses_horizontal.png"
                                        : "ellipses_vertical.png";

        bool _showDetails;
        public bool ShowDetails
            get { return _showDetails; }
            set { if (_showDetails != value) { _showDetails = value; OnPropertyChanged("ShowDetails"); } }

        string _imageName;
        public string ImageName
            get { return _imageName; }
            set { if (_imageName != value) { _imageName = value; OnPropertyChanged("ImageName"); } }

        public ICommand ShowDetailsCommand { get; set; }

        List<ChildModel> _notes;
        public List<ChildModel> Notes { get { return _notes; } set { _notes = value; } }

    public class ChildModel : ModelBase
        public ChildModel(string note) { _note = note; }
        string _note;
        public string Note
            get { return _note; }
            set { if (_note != value) { _note = value; OnPropertyChanged("Note"); } }


You can't do this with Xamarin.Forms.ListView and nesting them is not supported. Really on iOS this would be very difficult and I'm not sure you could get it working without some weird gesture behavior.