如何在 Sequelize 中设置查询超时?

如何在 Sequelize 中设置查询超时?


我想看看如何在 Sequelize 中设置查询的超时时间.

I'm looking to see how one can set the timeout time of queries in Sequelize.

我已经查看了 Sequelize 文档以获取一些信息,但我无法完全找到我正在寻找的内容.我发现的最接近的是pools.acquire"选项,但我不想设置传入连接的超时,而是设置正在进行的查询的超时,以便我可以快速短路死锁.

I've looked into the Sequelize docs for some info but I can't quite find what I'm looking for. The closest I have found is the "pools.acquire" option, but I'm not looking to set the timeout for an incoming connection, but rather the timeout of an ongoing query so that I may short-circuit deadlocks quickly.



const db = new Sequelize( database, username, password, {
  host   : hostname,
  dialect: "mysql",
  define : {},
  pool: {
    max : 10,
    min : 0,
    idle: 10000


add dialectOptions

  const db2 = new Sequelize(database, username, password, {
    host: hostname,
    dialect: "mysql",
    define: {},
    dialectOptions: {
      options: {
        requestTimeout: 3000
    pool: {
      max: 10,
      min: 0,
      idle: 10000