Hibernate/JPA - 注释 bean 方法与字段

Hibernate/JPA - 注释 bean 方法与字段


我有一个关于 Hibernate 使用的简单问题.我一直看到人们以两种方式之一使用 JPA 注释,方法是对类的字段进行注释,另一种是在相应的 bean 上注释 get 方法.

I have a simple question about usage of Hibernate. I keep seeing people using JPA annotations in one of two ways by annotating the fields of a class and also by annotating the get method on the corresponding beans.


My question is as follows: Is there a difference between annotating fields and bean methods with JPA annoations such as @Id.


public class User

private int id;

public int getId(){
return this.id;

public void setId(int id){




public class User

private int id;

public int getId(){
return this.id;

public void setId(int id){



Yes, I believe you want to search on field versus property access:

Hibernate Annotations - 哪个更好,字段或属性访问?

Spring 偏好是字段访问.这就是我所遵循的.

The Spring preference is field access. That's what I follow.