'明确'g ++中的关键字对简单构造函数(不是复制/赋值构造函数)无效吗?

'明确'g ++中的关键字对简单构造函数(不是复制/赋值构造函数)无效吗?


任何人都可以解释为什么以下代码会编译吗?我希望它会得到一个错误,其中 double 常量 3.3 不能转换为 int ,因为我将构造函数声明为明确的.

Can anyone explain why the following code compiles? I expect it to get an error where the double constant 3.3 can not be converted to int, since I declare the constructor to be explicit.

class A
    int n;
    explicit A(int _n);

A::A(int _n)
    n = _n;

int main()
    A a(3.3); // <== I expect this line to get an error.
    return 0;

显式运算符类型()(自C ++ 11起)(2)

explicit class_name ( params ) (1)
explicit operator type ( ) (since C++11) (2)


1) specifies that this constructor is only considered for direct initialization (including explicit conversions)


2) specifies that this user-defined conversion function is only considered for direct initialization (including explicit conversions)

在您的情况下,您使用直接初始化通过执行以下操作来构造类型为 A 的实例:

In your case you are using direct initialization to construct an instance of type A by doing this:

A a(3.3);


The explicit keyword does not stop the compiler from implicitly casting your argument from a double type to an int. It stops you from doing something like this:

A a = 33;