如何使用UCMA 4.0连接到Lync服务器

如何使用UCMA 4.0连接到Lync服务器


我有一个项目,我必须创建简单的Web表单,因为会有一个按钮,当用户按下按钮时,应用程序应联系Lync服务器以设置Web会议(在线会议)。 br />


我读了所有细节,但仍然不知道从哪里开始,我读到有关UCMA 4.0 sdk,安装它,添加 Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration dll ,但直到我不知道使用哪个类和调用哪个类方法,连接到服务器我什么都做不了。任何人都可以通过这个,代码或任何文章解释如何使用这个SDK。


I have a project in which i have to create simple web form, in that there will be a button, When user will press button, the application should contact Lync server to set up a web conference (an online meeting).

Also, The application should present the result to the user, and preferable display a link which the user can click on to participate in the online meeting using Lync

I read all details, but still don't know from where to start, I read about UCMA 4.0 sdk, installed it, added Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration dll, but until i don't know which classes are used and which class method to call, to connect to server i cant do anything. Anyone can help through this, with code or any article explaining how to use this SDK.

I found this useful, because reading from this, at least i am able to understand and write some code. but issue is not resolved yet

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    ConferenceScheduleInformation CSI = new ConferenceScheduleInformation();
    CSI.AccessLevel = ConferenceAccessLevel.Everyone;
    CSI.AutomaticLeaderAssignment = AutomaticLeaderAssignment.Everyone;
    CSI.ConferenceId = "Whatever";
    CSI.Description = "Test Conference";
    CSI.Subject = "Testing_Subject";
    CSI.Mcus.Add(new ConferenceMcuInformation(McuType.AudioVideo));
            ar =>
                    Conference newConference = _localendpoint.ConferenceServices.EndScheduleConference(ar);
                catch (RealTimeException ex)
    catch (InvalidOperationException ex)


I Am getting Null reference exception here
Conference newConference
, How to solve this, What mistake i am making??


统一通信托管API 4.0 SDK文档 [ ^ ]



快速入门示例应用程序 [ ^ ]


基本会议(快速入门) [ ^ ]

Windows 8的更多示例:

Lync示例:通过代码学习 [ ^ ]

针对特定错误,你应该在调试器中检查变量 _localendpoint.ConferenceServices
Assuming you that you have already looked at this reference link
Unified Communications Managed API 4.0 SDK documentation[^]
you need some working example, right?

Appearently there is lots of samples in the SDK itself, you just have to select one that looks similar to what you want to do.
QuickStart sample applications[^]
For example:
BasicConferencing (QuickStart)[^]

More examples for Windows 8:
Lync samples: learn through code[^]

For the specific error you get, you should check the variable _localendpoint.ConferenceServices in the debugger.