Visual Studio 2015 SharePoint工作流程“分配”活动崩溃Visual Studio

Visual Studio 2015 SharePoint工作流程“分配”活动崩溃Visual Studio


我有一个"分配" "Switch< T>"内的活动活动。每次我为活动分配值时,Visual Studio都会停止工作并重新启动。我创建了一个新的虚拟机并重新安装了Visual Studio和
Office Dev工具,它仍然在完全相同的位置崩溃:

I have an "Assign" Activity inside of a "Switch<T>" activity. Every time I go to assign a value to the activity, Visual Studio stops working and restarts itself. I create a new Virtual Machine and re-installed Visual Studio and Office Dev tools, and it still crashes in the exact same place:

请尝试设置"收件人"和"价值" "分配"中的属性动作属性。请查看以下屏幕截图:

Please try to set "To" and "Value" properties in "Assign" action Properties. Check the screenshot below:

