Visual Studio 2005专业版-错误1311,找不到源文件(但它存在!)

Visual Studio 2005专业版-错误1311,找不到源文件(但它存在!)


我已经厌倦了安装多个Visual Studio Express Edition,所以我决定获得Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition ...幸运的是,我还没有购买它.

I've gotten sick of having multiple Visual Studio Express Editions installed, so I decided to get the Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition... Luckily I haven't yet bought it.

我从微软的网站下载了VS2005 Pro Trial(相信我,这是一个很难找到的链接).但是,我遇到错误:

I downloaded the VS2005 Pro Trial from microsoft's website (trust me, this was a hard to find link). I am encountering an error, however:

Error 1311.Source file not found: z:\vs\ Verify that the file exists and that you can access it.
[Retry]   [Cancel]


I checked, double-checked, and triple-checked that the file DOES exist.

我所做的是从Microsoft网站下载2800MB .img文件,使用Microsoft的VCdControl程序将其安装在安装点Z:.它确实存在,并且从虚拟磁盘复制的所有其他文件都很好.是什么原因造成的?

What I did was download the 2800MB .img file from microsoft's website, used microsoft's VCdControl program to mount it at mount point Z:. It does exist, and all the other files copied from the virtual disk just fine. What is causing this?

P.S .:如果您想知道为什么我会遇到使用VS2005的麻烦,那是因为我在运行Windows 2000 pro的300MHz处理器/256MB ram系统上使用Windows时遇到问题. 2005年是VS产品工作的最后一年.较新的版本要么要求太高,要么不再支持Windows 2000.

P.S.: If you're wondering why I am going through the trouble of using VS2005, it's because I'm stuck using windows on a 300MHz processor / 256MB ram system, running windows 2000 pro. 2005 is the last VS product year that works. Anything newer has either too high requirements, or does not support Windows 2000 any longer.



(Erm, my computer just froze so it's now rebooting. Hopefully it continue where it left off... The screen, keyboard and everything locked me out entirely. Maybe the graphics card got nullified, there was blue lines at the top of the screen. Power button, ftw!)

更新:由于必须进行强制重新引导,因此我不得不重新启动VS2005安装.它似乎是从头开始重新安装Visual Studio 2005组件,因此这一次它可能会起作用,也可能不会起作用.如果有人碰巧知道是什么导致了原始错误,那么如果您发帖,将不胜感激.谢谢! :)

UPDATE: Due to having to hard reboot, I had to re-start the VS2005 installation. It appears to be installing the Visual Studio 2005 component from scratch again, so it may or may not work this time. If anyone happens to know what caused the original error, it would be much appreciated if you'd post. Thank you! :)

更新2:再次失败.与上述相同的错误,缺少该行的cab文件.在那里,我可以看到它! >.<

UPDATE 2: Failed, again. Same error as above, missing that darned cab file. It's there, I can see it! >.<

更新3:我将丢失的" cab文件从虚拟cd复制到了硬盘驱动器上,并尝试使用名为"cabextract"的实用程序自己将其提取.它还声称找不到该文件,但很明显就在那

UPDATE 3: I copied the "missing" cab file onto my hard drive from the virtual cd, and tried to extract it myself using a utility called "cabextract". It also claims the file cannot be found, yet it is clearly right there!

更新4:看来我的cab文件中有多个已损坏.我正在对所有文件进行md5sum处理,然后将它们与shsmith的md5sum列表进行匹配,以确定其损坏程度. :(

UPDATE 4: It appears more than one of my cab files are corrupt. I'm md5sum-ing all the files and matching them up with shsmith's md5sum list to determine how corrupt it is. :(


Are you able to copy that file to your local drive? Maybe there is an error reading the contents rather than finding the file.


Copy the VS folder from the image to your local drive and install from there.


There are a number of pages that discuss similar issues: + studio + 2005& btnG =搜索&aq = f& aqi =& aql =& oq =

是否已安装所有Service Pack和Windows更新?我有一个Windows 2000 VM,并运行了VS2005的默认安装,并且顺利完成.但是我刚刚安装了IE6,然后安装了所有可用的Windows更新(必须下载IE6才能使WU正常工作).

Do you have all the service packs and windows updates installed? I have a windows 2000 VM and ran the default install of VS2005 and it completed without any problem. But I had just installed IE6 and then all the available windows updates (had to download IE6 to get WU working).


What is the MD5 of your copy of that cab? Maybe your image is corrupt. Here is the MD5 of my copy:

9562459319ee43c046e2f4b0a65d815b *

9562459319ee43c046e2f4b0a65d815b *