无法使用Office 2010专业版加功能

无法使用Office 2010专业版加功能


这是我第一次在MSDN上发帖,所以请原谅我,如果我在错误的地方提问 -

Hi, this is the first time I'm posting on MSDN so please forgive me if I'm asking in the wrong area--

4月22日我从MSDN下载了Office 2010 Professional Plus 32位,安装并激活它。 当我启动Office 2010并查看帮助时,它表示我正在使用Professional Plus。 但是,我不能使用任何特定
到Professional Plus的功能,例如应用IRM策略或将幻灯片发布到SharePoint库 - 当我在PowerPoint中尝试此操作时,我甚至会收到一条错误消息" ;此功能需要Microsoft PowerPoint Professional Plus 2010." 我以前安装了
2010 RC1并且在该版本中没有遇到此问题。 我们组织中已安装Office 2010 RTM的所有计算机上都会出现此问题。

On 4/22 I downloaded Office 2010 Professional Plus 32 bit from MSDN, installed it, and activated it.  When I launch Office 2010 and view help, it says I am using Professional Plus.  However, I cannot use any of the features that are specific to Professional Plus, such as applying IRM policies or publishing slides to a SharePoint library--when I try this in PowerPoint, I even get an error message that says "This feature requires Microsoft PowerPoint Professional Plus 2010."  I previously had 2010 RC1 installed and did not experience this problem on that build.  This problem is happening on all the machines in our organization where we have installed Office 2010 RTM.


Does anyone have an idea as to why this might be?




Hi Alex,

    请返回MSDN并获取Office Professional Plus版本的新产品密钥。 产品密钥已在网站上更新,应解锁所有Professional Plus功能。 作为订阅者的产品密钥

     Please return to MSDN and obtain new product keys for your Office Professional Plus version.  The product keys have been updated on the site that should unlock all of the Professional Plus features.  Your product key allocation as a subscriber will not be affected.

要在Windows客户端版本上重新输入现有已安​​装的Office Professional Plus 2010版本中的新密钥,转到"开始"菜单,然后转到"控制面板"。 点击"计划"类别下的"卸载计划"。  在计划列表中选择Office Professional
Plus 2010。 点击"更改"。 选择"输入产品密钥"选项,然后输入从MSDN帐户中获取的新产品密钥。 

To re-enter a new key in an existing installed version of Office Professional Plus 2010 on Windows client version, go to the Start menu, then Control Panel.  Click on 'Uninstall a program' under the Programs category.  Select Office Professional Plus 2010 in the list of programs.  Click on 'Change'.  Select 'Enter a product key' option and proceed with entering your new product key obtained from your MSDN account. 


This should resolve the issues you're experiencing.
