如何使用Visual Studio 2012连接到我的Sql Server Express服务器

如何使用Visual Studio 2012连接到我的Sql Server Express服务器



如何使用VS 12内置的服务器资源管理器创建新的SQL数据库?


< img src =http://snap.ashampoo.com/uploads/2014-02-23/nunYGNLr.png&gt ;< / img>

然后再添加新的SQL Server数据库


< img src =http://snap.ashampoo.com/uploads/2014-02-23/ZLyF8Zhh.png>< / img>

即使我点击更新(或刷新...我有意大利语版本且我不知道正确的翻译),组合框也是空的。 ..

如何创建新的费用?我的Visual Studio安装程序自动安装了SQL服务器......我无法理解问题出在哪里....

< img src =http:// snap .ashampoo.com / uploads / 2014-02-23 / h7taeGEi.png>< / img>


Hi everybody,

How can I create a new sql Database using the Server Explorer built in VS 12?
I tried to connect to my SQL server by clicking with the right button here:
<img src="http://snap.ashampoo.com/uploads/2014-02-23/nunYGNLr.png"></img>

and then on the Add new SQL Server DB

This window appeared:

<img src="http://snap.ashampoo.com/uploads/2014-02-23/ZLyF8Zhh.png"></img>

and the combobox is empty even if I click Update (or refresh... i Have the italian version and I don't know the right translation)...

How can I create a new istance? My Visual Studio setup has installed SQL server automatically... I cannot understand where is the problem....

<img src="http://snap.ashampoo.com/uploads/2014-02-23/h7taeGEi.png"></img>





http://snap.ashampoo.com/uploads/ 2014-02-23 / ZLyF8Zhh.png [ ^ ]通过单击右端的向下箭头打开下拉列表。将会有一个短暂延迟并且它将打开,您将看到可用的SQL Server实例。



但是,我不认为你 可以 从那里创建一个新的数据库 - 使用SQL Server Management Studio(使用SQL Server Express安装并作为单独的应用程序运行)更容易
It's not too obvious, is it?
In the second stage of your question, when you have this image showing:
http://snap.ashampoo.com/uploads/2014-02-23/ZLyF8Zhh.png[^] open the drop-down by clicking the down arrow at the right hand end. There will be a "short delay" and the it will open, and you will see the available SQL Server instances.
Probably, you want something like YOURPCNAME\SQLEXPRESS
It's pretty obvious from there.

However, I don't think you can create a new DB from there - it's easier to use SQL Server Management Studio (which installs with SQL Server Express and runs as a separate application)