如何使用Visual C ++ 2008连接到SQL Server 2008数据库?

如何使用Visual C ++ 2008连接到SQL Server 2008数据库?


我一直在搜索互联网和六本不同的书(半个c ++,半个sql),甚至找不到一个没有错误的解决方案。我一直在搜索,复制,编写,编辑,混合,匹配,下载,复制,粘贴,以及我能想到的最后三天的其他内容。我已经尝试过SQLAPI ++,但无法弄清楚如何在某个点之后使其工作。无论我尝试什么,我得到错误LNK20 ..:未解决的外部符号...,最少的错误数为1,最多的是23.任何特定的帮助,演练,我可以订购的书籍,代码示例我可以通过,项目参数,或任何事情都会非常有帮助。我不能在项目的这一部分上浪费太多时间。如果发布我的一些代码会有帮助,请问,但现在它并不多。

I have been scouring the internet and six different books (half c++, half sql) and have been unable to find even one solution that is without errors. I have been searching, copying, writing, editing, mixing, matching, downloading, copying, pasting, and everything-else-ing I can think of for the last three days. I have tried SQLAPI++, but cannot figure out how to get it working after a certain point. No matter what I try, I get "error LNK20..: unresolved external symbol ...", with the fewest number of errors being 1 and the most being 23. Any specific help, walkthroughs, books I can order, code examples I could go by, project parameters, or anything at all would be immensely helpful. I can't waste too much more time on this part of the project. If it would be helpful to post some of my code, please ask, but right now it isn't much.