

I have an array that I need to sanitize before putting it in a cell on a mysql database. The code i'm trying seems to work. But as soon as there are characters like ' it throws errors and thats not good. Here's what i've tried, any ideas whats wrong?

 function submitLogDb($array,$id,$title)
            function mysql_real_escape_array($var) 
                foreach($var as $line)

              return $var;



            return mysql_query("INSERT INTO logs (text,id,title) VALUES ('".serialize($array)."','$id','$title')");


EDIT: Just incase it helps, heres what some of the objects might look like in the array:

  icon = ""
  msg = "this is a test"
  name = "Them: "
  systemMsg = 0
  icon = ""
  msg = "yep it sure is"
  name = "You: "
  systemMsg = 0

我有一个数组,我需要在将它放入mysql数据库的单元格之前进行清理。 我正在尝试的代码似乎工作。 但是,只要有像'它会抛出错误而且不好的字符。 这是我尝试过的,任何想法都错了吗? p>

  function submitLogDb($ array,$ id,$ title)
 function mysql_real_escape_array($ var)\  n {
 foreach($ var as $ line)
 mysql_real_escape_string($ line ['msg']); 
返回$ var; 
 $ title  = mysql_real_escape_string($ title); 
 $ array = mysql_real_escape_array($ array); 
返回mysql_query(“INSERT INTO logs(text,id,title)VALUES('”。serialize($ array)。“  ','$ id','$ title')“); 
  code>  pre> 

编辑: 只是有帮助,继承人 对象可能看起来像在数组中: p>

 icon =“”
 msg =“这是一个测试”
 name =“他们:  “
 systemMsg = 0 
 icon =”“
 msg =”是的,确定是“
 name =”你:“
 systemMsg = 0 
  code>  pre>  

mysql_real_escape_string the output of serialization of the array.

$data_to_insert = mysql_real_escape_string(serialize($array));