

I'm using the blow query to update a column in multiple rows:

UPDATE table SET col = 
    when id = 1 then 10
    when id = 2 then 20
    when id = 3 then 30

And I know if I want to increase the col value I should do this:

UPDATE table SET col = col+10

But it doesn't work for updating multiple rows.
I also tried:

when id = 1 then (@col := @col + 10)

But this doesn't work too.
Anyone knows how can I concatenate these two with each other and increase one column's value in multiple rows in mysql ?

我正在使用点击查询来更新多行中的列: p> UPDATE表SET col = (case = n当id = 1然后10 当id = 2然后20 当id = 3然后30 end) code> pre >

我知道如果我想增加 col code>值,我应该这样做: p>

  UPDATE table SET col =  col + 10 
  code>  pre> 

但它不能用于更新多个 strong>行。
我也尝试过: p> 当id = 1然后(@col:= @col + 10) code> pre>

任何人都知道如何将这两者相互连接,并且在mysql的多行中增加一列的值? strong> p> div>

If I understood you right:

UPDATE table SET col = col +
    when id = 1 then 10
    when id = 2 then 20
    when id = 3 then 30

Looking for this?

UPDATE table SET col = if(@col is null, @col := col+10, @col)

or this?

UPDATE table SET col = if(id = 1, col+10, if(id = 2, col + 20, col + 30))