MySQL - 查询无法正常工作[关闭]


Here is my query:

if($GetSize != ""){
    $r = mysql_query("select * from `ProductSizes` ps, `products` p WHERE `ps.Size`='$GetSize' and ``=`ps.Product`");

} else {
    $r = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `products` WHERE `Category`='$Cat' $FilterSQL $FilterSQLS $BrandSearch ORDER $OrderBy LIMIT $first_product_shown1, $products_per_page");

while($rowi = mysql_fetch_array($r))

        $id = $rowi['id'];
        $Title = $rowi['Title'];
        $Image = $rowi['Image'];
        $Price = $rowi['Price'];
        $PriceOld = $rowi['PriceOld'];
        $Rating = $rowi['Rating'];
        $SDProductCode = $rowi['ProductCode'];
        $Lev = $Price * GetSetting('PoundRate');
        $LevOld = $PriceOld * GetSetting('PoundRate');
        $Lev = number_format($Lev, 2, '.', '');
        $LevOld = number_format($LevOld, 2, '.', '');

I think i have some mistake in it because i get no results.

Do you find any mistake and how the fixed variant must look like ?

Thanks in advance!

这是我的查询: p>

  if($ GetSize!  =“”){
 $ r = mysql_query(“select * from`ProductsSizes` ps,`products` p WHERE`ps.Size` ='$ GetSize'和`` =`ps.Product`”)  ; 
} else {
 $ r = mysql_query(“SELECT * FROM`products` WHERE`Category` ='$ Cat'$ FilterSQL $ FilterSQLS $ BrandSearch ORDER $ OrderBy LIMIT $ first_product_shown1,$ products_per_page”); \  n} 
而($ rowi = mysql_fetch_array($ r))
 $ id = $ rowi ['id']; 
 $ Title = $ rowi ['Title']; \  n $ Image = $ rowi ['Image']; 
 $ Price = $ rowi ['Price']; 
 $ PriceOld = $ rowi ['PriceOld']; 
 $ Rating = $ rowi ['Rating']  ; 
 $ SDProductCode = $ rowi ['ProductCode']; 
 $ Lev = $ Price * GetSetting('PoundRate'); 
 $ LevOld = $ PriceOld * GetSetting('PoundRate'); 
 $ Lev = number_format  ($ Lev,2,'。',''); 
 $ LevOld = number_format($ LevOld,2,'。',''); 
  code>  pre> 
 \  n 

我认为我有一些错误因为 我没有得到任何结果。 p>

您是否发现任何错误以及固定变体的外观如何? p>

提前致谢! p> div>

You are using WHERE clause before JOIN:


select * from `ProductSizes` c 
join `products` o on o.`id` = c.`Product` 
WHERE `c.Size` = '$GetSize'

Side Note:

I suggest you to use mysqli_* or PDO instead of mysql_* becuase it's deprecated and not available in PHP 7.

Consider modifying your query like below cause your query syntax is wrong. JOIN clause should come before WHERE

select c.* 
from `ProductSizes`  c 
join `products` o on o.`id` = c.`Product`
WHERE c.`Size` = '$GetSize';  

SQL query seems to be incorrect... try this

mysql_query("select * from `ProductSizes` ps, `products` p WHERE `ps.Size`='$GetSize' and p.`id`=ps.`Product`")

Also a good idea to check MySQL query result using mysql_query_error function

if(mysql_query_error()) {
    //Probably syntax error

Try this

mysql_query("select * from `ProductSizes` c join `products` o on o.`id`=c.`Product` WHERE c.`Size`='$GetSize'")