laravel 5错误:语法错误意外'如果'在连接中间[重复]


This question already has an answer here:

I have this error : error : syntax error, unexpected 'if' (T_IF) when I run this code :

        if ($search_iy)
            foreach ($search_iy as $search_iy2 ){

                                '<td>'. strtoupper("$search_iy2->air_code").'</td>'.
                                '<td>'. strtoupper("$search_iy2->name") .'</td>'.
                                '<td>'. $search_iy2->tkt_no .

                                   if ($search_iy2->tkt_file)  
                                        '<a target="_blank" href="tkt_file/'.$search_iy2->tkt_file.'"> &nbsp; TKT </a>'.


                            return Response($output);


I tried to change this line to many thing :

'<td>'. $search_iy2->tkt_no .
'<td>'. $search_iy2->tkt_no ;
'<td>'. $search_iy2->tkt_no .''.

Same Error


You cannot have your if inside of setting the variable.

'<td>'. strtoupper("$search_iy2->air_code").'</td>'.
'<td>'. strtoupper("$search_iy2->name") .'</td>'.
'<td>'. $search_iy2->tkt_no;

if ($search_iy2->tkt_file)  
    $output .= '<a target="_blank" href="tkt_file/'.$search_iy2->tkt_file.'"> &nbsp; TKT </a>';

$output .= '</td>';