

I guess, the one line question doesn't explain what I'm looking for well enough. So, here's an example of what I'm talking about: (based on the Laravel4 Routing documentation)

The way I create a route for the controller:

Route::get('user/profile', "UserController@profile" );

The way I create a name for the route so that I can later refer to it when generating URLs:

Route::get('user/profile', array('as' => 'profile', function()

// Now I can use this
$url = URL::route('profile');

Now, obviously you wouldn't want to write your controllers as functions right in the routes.php, so how do I create a name like in the 2nd example, but using the controller like the example 1?

我想,一行问题并不能解释我所寻找的内容。 所以,这是我正在谈论的一个例子:(基于 Laravel4路由文档) p>

我为控制器创建路径的方式: p>

  Route :: get('user / profile',“UserController @ profile  “); 
  code>  pre> 

我为路径创建名称的方式,以便稍后在生成URL时可以引用它: p> Route :: get('user / profile',array('as'=>'profile',function() { // })); // 现在我可以使用这个 $ url = URL :: route('profile'); code> pre>

现在,显然你不想把你的控制器写成 函数在 routes.php code>中,所以我如何创建一个名称,如第二个例子,但使用控制器,如示例1? p> div>

You can name your route to controller exactly the same way. Put controller and method name as second item in array under "uses" keyword:

Route::get('user/profile', array("as" => "profile", "uses" => "UserController@profile"));