

在Android中,我们可以通过Intent.ACTION_SEND startactivity api轻松共享内容(文本,图像,视频等).

In Android, we can easily share content (text, images, video etc) through the Intent.ACTION_SEND startactivity api.


I have an app doing that perfectly already, and have a parallel iOS app that I hope to implement the same feature.

是否有iOS api支持,还是我必须使用第三方SDK或编写我自己的界面层?

Is there any iOS api support or do I have to use 3rd party sdks or code my own interface layer?



You can do that by implementing a custom URL scheme. Also check this blog out.


This long question approaches the techniques for transmitting information as documents. Be aware that due to the sandboxing, "moving" huge piles of data around (from one application to another) will not be straightforward and you will have to slightly rethink your interaction process.


Several sites attempt to list the schemes, but unless Apple decides to publish them, they're bound to be inaccurate.