我的asp.net Web应用程序出错


Hai guys

我的asp.net Web应用程序在从我的localhost使用插入/更新/删除数据到Ms Access数据库时发现错误




Hai guys

my asp.net web application found an error while using inserting/Updating/Deleting data to a Ms Access database from my localhost

error shown this type

" exception found use an updatable query"

any one can help me?

Hai guys

我的asp.net Web应用程序在从我的localhost使用插入/更新/删除数据到Ms Access数据库时发现错误


Hai guys

my asp.net web application found an error while using inserting/Updating/Deleting data to a Ms Access database from my localhost

error shown this type

" exception found use an updatable query"

any one can help me?


Which code gave this error?

由于您使用的是MS Access,因此mdb所在的文件夹不会对运行该应用程序的用户拥有足够的权限。通常是它的ASPNET_XXXXX。尝试使用另一个具有完全权限的用户名,使用模拟或授予当前用户访问权限。
Since you are using MS Access, the folder where the mdb resides doesn''t have enough permission for the user who is running the application. Typically its ASPNET_XXXXX. Try to use another username with full rights using impersonation or grant access to the current user.
