使用 Python 3 在 Mac 上没有名为“_tkinter"的模块


我正在尝试使用 Tkinter 作为 GUI 将我的脚本捆绑到 .app 中,并且进行捆绑的包装器是 Platypus.

I'm trying to bundle my script into a .app using Tkinter as the GUI and the wrapper that does the bundling is Platypus.


I'm getting this error when I go to run the app.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/samb/Desktop/Beta1.app/Contents/Resources/script", line 4, in <module>
  import tkinter
File "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Library/Frameworks/P...ework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/tkinter/__init__.py", line 36, in <module>
  import _tkinter # If this fails your Python may not be configured for Tk
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_tkinter'

我在这台机器上运行 Python 3.7.4,我的脚本使用:

I'm running Python 3.7.4 on this machine, and my script uses:

import tkinter
from tkinter import filedialog


which should make it compatible. The script works when I run it using terminal, just not when I run the app.

我在捆绑应用程序中指定它也应该使用 python3...

I've specified in the bundling app that it should use python3 as well...


Not sure what I'm doing wrong here?

几个问题: /usr/bin/python3 中没有文件.使用 /usr/local/bin/python3/usr/bin/envpython3 作为参数.或者您的特定 Python 环境需要什么.

Several problems: There is no file at /usr/bin/python3. Either use /usr/local/bin/python3 or /usr/bin/env with python3 as args. Or whatever your particular python environment needs.

出于某种原因,python 正在寻找 Xcode 内部的库,这是不寻常的.我已经安装了 python3 并且在

For some reason, python is looking for the library inside Xcode, which is unusual. I have python3 installed and there's no python in



On my installation, the valid filepath is:


(即在/Library 中,而不是在 Xcode 中.)由于脚本在终端中工作,因此鸭嘴兽的配置很可能在某种程度上是错误的.

(i.e. in /Library, not inside Xcode.) As the script works in Terminal, it's likely that Platypus's config is wrong somehow.

作为一个快速的技巧,我想您可以将 Python.framework 从/Library/Frameworks 符号链接到 Xcode 内的 Frameworks 文件夹.

As a quick hack, I suppose you could symlink Python.framework from /Library/Frameworks to the Frameworks folder inside Xcode.

如评论中所述,您不需要包含第一行 import.目前,您要导入所有 tkinter,然后只导入 filedialog.from 的重点是避免导入整个库.

As stated in the comments, you don't need to include the first import line. Currently, you're importing all of tkinter, and then importing just the filedialog. The whole point of from is to avoid importing the entire library.