为什么区域Google Cloud IP地址似乎都在美国?



I created a VM in the asia-east1 region. It gets an IP address of When I look up this IP address on services like iplocation.net, I'm told it is in the US.

我在australias-southeast1地区创建的VM也是一样. IP为35.197.162.146.

The same is true of a VM I created in the australia-southeast1 region. IP is


不幸的是,我认为Google Cloud还没有解决方案. :(

Unfortunately, I dont think google cloud has a solution for it yet. :(

有关详细信息: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/112448138

我认为在这种情况下,AWS更好,它显示了正确的位置: 在欧洲地区创建了GCE,但IP地址显示在美国

And I think AWS is better in this case it shows the correct location: Created GCE in europe region but IP address shows its in US