删除Google Cloud Functions的tmp文件夹中的文件


我目前正在os.tmpdir文件夹中的Google Cloud函数中写入文件.现在,我知道每次函数触发都略有不同,两次函数调用之间的tmp文件夹将永远不会相同(无法两次引用同一个tmp文件夹).我的问题是函数完成执行之前是否需要删除文件,或者是否自动取消了所有tmp内存的引用.

I'm currently writing into files in a google cloud functions in my os.tmpdir folder. Now I know that each time the functions fires is slightly different and the tmp folder will never be the same between function calls (can't reference the same tmp folder twice). My question is whether or not I need to delete the file before the function finishes execution or if all the tmp memory is dereferenced automatically.


edit: When I write to os.tmpdir I can see the file when I look into the directory but on subsequent calls I see nothing. I assume this means the file somehow no longer exists (unlikely) or I am looking in a different place.


below is the code I user to write the file.

var wstream = fs.createWriteStream(os.tmpdir() + '/myOutput.txt');

wstream.write('Hello world!\n');
wstream.write('Another line\n');


wstream.on('finish', function () {
        console.log('file has been written');
        fs.readdir(os.tmpdir(), (err, files) => {
            files.forEach(file => {
                        console.log("Hey Again3", file);

edit 2:我一直在进行一些测试,而一个新系统的发生比这个问题所指示的发生的频率要高得多(我每次都观察到,而在这里我被告知几乎永远不会发生这种情况)).我还问了另一个问题,并从另一位Firebase员工那里收到了一些相互矛盾的建议,该建议与此处的个人测试更加一致:

edit 2: I've been running a few tests and the occurrence of a new system happens far more often than indicated in this question (I've observed every single time vs what I was told here that it would happen almost never). I also asked another question and received slightly conflicting advise from a different firebase employee that was more inline with the personal tests here: Can't Find file after having written to it in Google Cloud Functions


The advise stays consistent but I not once observed have the exact same file system between multiple calls of a single function as indicated below.

首先,由 os.tmpdir()标识的tmp文件夹始终相同.如果您发现不同的地方,请准确说明您所看到的.

Firstly, the tmp folder identified by os.tmpdir() is always the same. If you're observing something different, please clarify exactly what you're seeing.


Secondly, you are not obliged to delete files out of tmpdir, but they occupy memory (it's a memory-based filesystem). Leaving those files around makes your future function invocations more expensive, since you are paying for memory over time. Also, you may risk running out of memory as you accumulate temp files. To be most efficient, you should always delete any files you create before the function finishes.