如何防止Flash横幅广告在Internet Explorer中与页面内容重叠?


在我的网站上,我有一个Flash标语和一个图片库.单个图像以灯箱"样式显示.我的问题是,在Internet Explorer中,图像呈现在Flash横幅下方!

我搜索了解决方案,其中大多数建议在Flash对象上使用wmode=transparent ...但是,这对我而言并不有效.有任何建议吗?

On my website, I have a Flash banner and an image gallery. The individual images are displayed "light box"-style. My problem is that, in Internet Explorer, the images are rendered underneath the Flash banner!

I searched for solutions, and most of them suggest using wmode=transparent on the Flash object... However, this has not been effective for me. Any suggestions?

Constrain it in a div. I believe you can set overflow to off, and whatever is displayed outside the dimensions of the div will not be displayed.