

我的 angular 站点运行良好,但是当您单击进入一个项目时,它会立即加载页面,有时在从图像中提取图像时会出现 flashAPIid 类似于 1 秒的延迟或页面过渡效果.

My angular site works great, but when you click into a project it loads the page, right away and sometimes there is a flash while the images are pulled from the API, id like a 1 second delay, or page transition effect.

但我不确定如何在 Angular 2 中实现这一点.有兴趣了解其他人在做什么吗?

but i'm not sure how to implement this in Angular 2. Interested to hear what others are doing ?


你可以实现 CanDeactivate 接口,类似这样:

You can implement CanDeactivate interface, something like this:

routerCanDeactivate(currTree?: RouteTree, futureTree?: RouteTree): Promise <boolean> {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(() => resolve(true), 1000);