将项目添加到绑定的WPF ListBox



Ok, this has been a head scratcher for me. I have a ListBox I am binding to a linq query like so:

    private IQueryable<Feed> _feeds;

    public IQueryable<Feed> Feeds
            if (_feeds == null)
                var feedsQuery = from f in _db.Feed orderby f.Title select f;
                _feeds = feedsQuery;
            return _feeds;

    public Options()
        this.DataContext = Feeds;


(For the record I've also tried List, instead of IQueryable)


Everything shows up great and I have a databound form that allows you to edit a record and all of those changes work just fine, the modified data shows up in the list.


The problem comes with I add an item. Nothing shows up in the list. The data goes into the database fine, but the only way to see the data is closing and restarting my app. I'm using the code below as an example:

        Feed feed = new Feed()
            ID = Guid.NewGuid(),
            Url = "http://www.test.com",
            Title = "Test"


(with or without the _db.Refresh nothing happens)


您所做的一切正确,您必须使用 ObservableCollection .这将通知ListBox有关列表中的任何更改并自动刷新.

You are doing everything right, you jus need to use ObservableCollection. This will notify the ListBox about any changes in the list and refresh it automatically.


在许多情况下,您处理的数据 与是对象的集合.为了 例如,数据中的常见场景 绑定是使用ItemsControl 例如ListBox,ListView或 TreeView显示一个集合 记录.

In many cases the data that you work with is a collection of objects. For example, a common scenario in data binding is to use an ItemsControl such as a ListBox, ListView, or TreeView to display a collection of records.


P.S. you don't need a db refresh