


I have created a web application project and deployed it to Azure.


In the web.config file for this application, a number of <assembly> elements appear in the <system.web><compilation> element. Specifically, these assembly entries point to DevExpress assemblies but they could really be anything.

我还创建了一个Web API项目,该项目被部署为Web应用程序下的虚拟应用程序.看起来<assembly>条目是从Web应用程序的配置继承的. Web API项目不使用这些程序集,并引发异常,指出它们无法加载.

I have also created a Web API project that is deployed as a virtual application under the web application. It looks like the <assembly> entries are being inherited from the configuration of the web application. The Web API project does not use these assemblies and throws an exception stating that they cannot be loaded.

作为临时的解决方法,我已将程序集手动复制到Web API应用程序的bin文件夹中.但是,这不是永久解决方案.

As a temporary workaround, I have manually copied over the assemblies to the bin folder of the Web API application. However, this is not a permanent solution.

我尝试了清除 Web API配置中的程序集条目(使用<clear />元素).我还尝试了删除项(使用<remove>元素).这些都不起作用.

I have tried clearing the assembly entries in the Web API configuration (using the <clear /> element). I have also tried removing the entries (using the <remove> element). Neither of these worked.


What is the best way to stop this inheritance form occurring?


As mentioned in this official document about ASP.NET Configuration File Hierarchy and Inheritance:

ASP.NET应用程序的根目录> Web.config


ASP.NET应用程序子目录> Web.config


The Web.config file for an application subdirectory contains settings that apply to this subdirectory and inherit downward through all of the subdirectories in its branch.


I assumed that you could leverage Location Settings to achieve your purpose. Also, there is a blog about Settings and Virtual Directory Inheritance, you could refer to it.