将程序集加载到新的应用程序域中,而不是 CurrentDomain



So my problem revolves around saving memory.


In essence I need to load an assembly in to a separate app domain other than the main/current domain, check for types within that assembly, and then unload the new domain when done.


Currently my solution is as follows:

AppDomain NewDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("newdomain");

foreach(string path in dllPaths) //string list of dll paths
    byte[] dllBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(dll);
    NewDomain.Load(dllBytes); //offending line


NewDomain.Load 行似乎将程序集加载到新域中,但也加载到我程序的当前域中.

The NewDomain.Load line seems to load the assembly into the new domain but also into the current domain of my program.

我使用此链接作为参考 - http://www.csharp411.com/how-to-load-a-net-assembly-into-a-separate-appdomain-so-you-can-unload-it/

I used this link as a reference - http://www.csharp411.com/how-to-load-a-net-assembly-into-a-separate-appdomain-so-you-can-unload-it/



As mentioned already, loading the assembly from bytes can only happen for the current app domain.

这是一种上下文切换方法,可以使用应用域上的 DoCallBack 方法 (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.appdomain.docallback%28v=vs.110%29.aspx).

Here is one way to context-switch to make your target app domain the current one, using the DoCallBack method on the app domain (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.appdomain.docallback%28v=vs.110%29.aspx).


After the assemblies are loaded you can then use the same method to inspect the assemblies and types of the new app domain, and create instances as necessary, before unloading it.

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        AppDomain newDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("NewDomain");
        List<string> dllPaths = new List<string>() { @"c:dev	aglib-sharp.dll" };

        foreach (string dll in dllPaths)
            AppDomainAsmLoader asmLoad = new AppDomainAsmLoader(File.ReadAllBytes(dll));
            newDomain.DoCallBack(new CrossAppDomainDelegate(asmLoad.LoadAsm));

        newDomain.DoCallBack(new CrossAppDomainDelegate(DoWorkWithAppDomain));


    public static void DoWorkWithAppDomain()
        Assembly[] asms = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
        foreach (Assembly asm in asms)
            Type[] types = asm.GetTypes();
            foreach (Type type in types)
                Console.WriteLine("Found the type: {0}", type.FullName);

    public class AppDomainAsmLoader
        private byte[] AsmData;  

        public AppDomainAsmLoader(byte[] data)
            AsmData = data;

        public void LoadAsm()
            Assembly asm = Assembly.Load(AsmData);
