


let's say I have a 3d car model displayed using GLSurfaceView in Android. This model consists of many components, is that possible to control each of them or make each of them response to touch events individually? for example, if I want to select one wheel, what I need to do is touch the wheel.


I think you are looking for ray picking or ray intersection.

这答案有一个链接到一个样品的iOS /视频我相信这是你所追求的。 http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/12360/how-do-you-determine-which-object-surface-the-users-pointing-at-with-lwjgl/12367#12367

This answer has a link to a iOS sample/video which I believe is what you are after. http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/12360/how-do-you-determine-which-object-surface-the-users-pointing-at-with-lwjgl/12367#12367

另一个相关的SO问题: 实施雷采摘

Another related SO question: Implementing Ray Picking


That should get you started on what you need to do.