


Python 3.我正在使用QT的文件对话框小部件来保存从互联网下载的PDF。我一直在使用'open'读取文件,并尝试使用文件对话框小部件来编写它。但是,我一直遇到TypeError:'_ io.BufferedReader'不支持缓冲区接口错误。

Python 3. I'm using QT's file dialog widget to save PDFs downloaded from the internet. I've been reading the file using 'open', and attempting to write it using the file dialog widget. However, I've been running into a"TypeError: '_io.BufferedReader' does not support the buffer interface" error.


with open('file_to_read.pdf', 'rb') as f1: 
    with open('file_to_save.pdf', 'wb') as f2:


This logic works properly with text files when not using the 'b' designator, or when reading a file from the web, like with urllib or requests. These are of the 'bytes' type, which I think I need to be opening the file as. Instead, it's opening as a Buffered Reader. I tried bytes(f1), but get "TypeError: 'bytes' object cannot be interpreted as an integer." Any ideaas?

如果你的目的是简单地复制文件,你可以使用 shutil

If your intent is to simply make a copy of the file, you could use shutil

>>> import shutil
>>> shutil.copyfile('file_to_read.pdf','file_to_save.pdf')


Or if you need to access byte by byte, similar to your structure, this works:

>>> with open('/tmp/fin.pdf','rb') as f1:
...    with open('/tmp/test.pdf','wb') as f2:
...       while True:
...          if b: 
...             # process b if this is your intent   
...             n=f2.write(b)
...          else: break



Or, if you want a buffer that will speed this up (without taking the risk of reading an unknown file size completely into memory):

>>> with open('/tmp/fin.pdf','rb') as f1:
...    with open('/tmp/test.pdf','wb') as f2:
...       while True:
...          if buf: 
...              for byte in buf:
...                 pass    # process the bytes if this is what you want
...                         # make sure your changes are in buf
...              n=f2.write(buf)
...          else:
...              break

使用Python 2.7+或3.1+,您也可以使用此快捷方式(而不是使用两个块):

With Python 2.7+ or 3.1+ you can also use this shortcut (rather than using two with blocks):

with open('/tmp/fin.pdf','rb') as f1,open('/tmp/test.pdf','wb') as f2: