


我正在使用Selenium进行chrome浏览器自动化.我想打开一个网页并填写登录表格,提交等. 下面是代码的一部分

I am using Selenium for chrome browser automation. I want to open a webpage and fill a login form , submit etc. Below is a part of code

    Dim chromeOptions As New OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome.ChromeOptions()
    Dim driver As IWebDriver = New ChromeDriver(chromeOptions)

    Dim myLink1 As IWebElement = driver.FindElement(By.Name("userName"))
    Dim myLink2 As IWebElement = driver.FindElement(By.Name("password"))

它正常工作.但是,当我运行该应用程序时,Chrome打开后会出现一个控制台窗口.这是由于chromedriver.exe所致,cond =单独的窗口显示在端口2078上启动ChromeDriver(v2.9.248315)".但是我不希望此控制台窗口出现,因为用户起诉应用程序不需要它并了解它是什么.那么有什么办法可以避免此控制台窗口?

It works properly. But when i run the application a console window appears when chrome gets open. It is due to chromedriver.exe And cond=sole windows shows "Starting ChromeDriver (v2.9.248315) on port 2078". But I don't want this console window to appear as user suing application will not require it and understand what it is.So is there any way to avoid this console window?


Also how can I get page complete events once the page gets loaded completely?


类似于文档已完成可用于Web浏览器控件.阅读硒文档后,我发现存在一个 EventFiringWebDriver 可能会做我想要的事情(例如OnNavigated),而chromeDriver没有这些.但是我没有得到任何示例(EventFiringWebDriver)如何与Onnavigated函数等一起使用来获取这些事件.

Like in Document complete which is available for web browser controls. After reading selenium documentation I found that there exists a EventFiringWebDriver which may do what I want(like OnNavigated ) And chromeDriver does not have these. But i didnt get any example of how it(EventFiringWebDriver ) can be used with Onnavigated functions etc to get these events.



Imports OpenQA.Selenium
Imports OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome
Imports OpenQA.Selenium.Support.Events

Dim service As ChromeDriverService = ChromeDriverService.CreateDefaultService
Dim driver1 As ChromeDriver = Nothing
Dim driver As EventFiringWebDriver
Public Class Form1
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Dim chromeOptions As New OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome.ChromeOptions()
        service.HideCommandPromptWindow = True
        driver1 = New ChromeDriver(service, chromeOptions)
        driver = New EventFiringWebDriver(driver1)
        AddHandler driver.Navigated, AddressOf OnNavigated
        Dim myLink1 As IWebElement = driver.FindElement(By.Name("userName"))
        Dim myLink2 As IWebElement = driver.FindElement(By.Name("password"))
    End Sub
    Protected Sub OnNavigated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Support.Events.WebDriverNavigationEventArgs)
        MessageBox.Show("Page navaigated  " & e.Url)
    End Sub
End Class


After page gets navigated OnNavigated function triggered as I expected. But after page gets navigated and user name and password filled and if user clicks on login button manually a new page will appear after login. During this new page gets navigated it wont trigger OnNavigated .But i want to get notification for every page that gets navigated even from user inputs. So how this can be achieved?


The default behavior of displaying the command prompt window is a feature, not a bug. Many people insist on using the .Close() method to exit the browser window instead of .Quit(). However, this would close the browser, but not clean up all resources, like exiting the chromedriver.exe instance. Thus, the .NET bindings maintainer made a conscious decision to make it absolutely clear when the executable is running and when it isn't. You can change this behavior by using code similar to the following:

Dim service As OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome.ChromeDriverService = OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome.ChromeDriverService.CreateDefaultService()
service.HideCommandPromptWindow = True

Dim chromeOptions As New OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome.ChromeOptions()
Dim driver As IWebDriver = New ChromeDriver(service, chromeOptions)


It's generally considered bad form to ask multiple unrelated questions in a single post on *, but as for your second question, Are you asking, "How do I know when a page is completely loaded using WebDriver?" If so, then the answer is, "You don't." Or, more accurately, the question is meaningless when you're talking about today's JavaScript-heavy, AJAX-enabled, dynamically-generated-DOM world.


If you need to make sure an element is present on a page before you can interact with it, you can wait for that condition. The support library (in the WebDriver.Support.dll assembly in .NET) contains a WebDriverWait class designed to enable exactly that.

您还可以尝试使用具有Navigated事件的EventFiringWebDriver.您将使用标准的VB.NET事件处理代码对此进行关联(AddHandler/RemoveHandler).但是, 请勿 将此.NET绑定事件与您从Internet Explorer的COM对象(如其 DocumentComplete事件. WebDriver API中不存在此类构造.仅当您手动导航到页面时(即不在引起导航的元素单击上),才会引发Navigated事件,并且不能保证在引发Navigated事件时会触发任何特定的DOM事件.使用它的代码如下所示:

You could also try using the EventFiringWebDriver, which has a Navigated event. You would use standard VB.NET event handling code to hook this up (AddHandler/RemoveHandler). However, DO NOT conflate this .NET bindings event with the type of events you receive from Internet Explorer's COM object, like its DocumentComplete event. No such construct exists in the WebDriver API. The Navigated event is only raised when you manually navigate to a page (i.e., not on element clicks that cause navigation), and there is no guarantee whatsoever that any particular DOM event will have fired when the Navigated event is raised. The code to use it would look something like this:

' Assumes you have a sub with a declaration like this:
' Private Sub Navigated(sender As Object, e As WebDriverNavigationEventArgs)
Dim driver As IWebDriver = New ChromeDriver(service, chromeOptions)
Dim eventDriver As New EventFiringWebDriver(driver)
AddHandler eventDriver.Navigated, AddressOf Navigated


Once again, and I cannot stress this enough, if you're looking for an event that means "the page is loaded," You're Doing It Wrong™. The right thing to do is identify some element on the target page that will be present, and wait for that element to be available.