Xcode 只允许我为 iOS 设备运行(没有模拟器)

Xcode 只允许我为 iOS 设备运行(没有模拟器)


我刚刚将一个项目克隆到 Xcode 中,并尝试在模拟器中运行它.但是,我唯一的选择是 iOS 设备.这仅适用于该项目,我不知道如何修复它.还有其他人遇到过这个问题并知道如何解决吗?

I just cloned a project into Xcode and am trying to run it in the simulator. However, my only option is iOS Device. This is unique to this project only and I don't know how to fix it. Anyone else run into this and know how to fix it?

Under Your project Build Settings

Under Your project Build Settings

  1. 选择部署部分
  2. 将 iOS 部署目标更改为 iOS 5.0 或更低版本
  3. 现在您可以继续将部署目标从设备更改为模拟器!

在我的情况下,部署目标设置为 5.1 版,但我仍在使用从 xcode 4.3 复制的适当 JARS 运行雪飞跃 OS,以使其与运行 iOS 5.1 的设备一起运行.

In my case the deployment target was set to version 5.1 and i still am running snow leapord OS with appropriate JARS copied from xcode 4.3 to make it run with a device running iOS 5.1.

但是,我的模拟器还不支持 5.1 版本,所以直到我将部署目标更改为较低版本,例如5.0 或 4.2 它不会让我在模拟器上运行.

However, my simulators do not yet support version 5.1 so till i changed the deployment target to lower version e.g. 5.0 or 4.2 it won't let me run on simulator.