


我在Windows中已经安装了python3,但实际上配置不正确.主要问题归结于安装新软件包.我支持身份验证代理,而我安装软件包的方法是手动下载它们并运行python setup.py install.这对于某些软件包来说效果很好,但是有些软件包使用easy_install自动下载依赖项,这些依赖项卡在了代理服务器上,因此我必须找到所有依赖项并手动下载并安装它们.这也使得跟踪我自己的依赖关系真的很困难.

I have an existing python3 installation in Windows, but things aren't really configured right. The main problem comes down to installing new packages. I am behind an authenticating proxy and the way I install packages is by manually downloading them and running python setup.py install. This works fine for some packages, but then there are some which use easy_install to automatically download dependencies, and these get stuck at the proxy, so I have to find all the dependencies and manually download and install them. This also makes it really difficult to track my own dependencies.


In the next few weeks my computer will be re-installed, so when that happens I would like to get a much better setup working. So my questions are:

  1. virtualenv,分发,setuptools,pip ...我应该在Windows中为python3安装以下哪些(或我错过的其他产品)?
  2. 如何让他们在身份验证代理后面工作?


Most programs are working better with plain proxies, so give Cntlm a try.

关于第一个问题,请安装Python 3,然后制作包含以下内容的单行v.cmd文件:

As for the first question, install Python 3 then make an one-line v.cmd file with this content:

@X:\full\path\to\python.exe y:\full\path\to\virtualenv.py --distribute --unzip-setuptools %*


When you need an virtual envinronment, go to the desired folder and run:

v.cmd .


or provide the full path to that folder as the argument instead of .


Of course, activating the cache for pip will make things faster. Just put this content in %APPDATA%\pip\pip.ini:
