学习C sharp的最佳方法是什么?

学习C sharp的最佳方法是什么?


学习C sharp的最佳方法是什么?我是一名C程序员,想知道在C sharp中编写一些代码的学习曲线有多少。感谢任何提示和指示。

Ambrish Kinariwala

What is the best way to learn C sharp. I am a C programmer and wanted to know how much of a learning curve it is to code something advance in C sharp. Appreciate any tips and pointers.

Ambrish Kinariwala


需要教育 [ ^ ]
Best way is keep learning continously as long as ......
Education Needed[^]

你可以使用这本书:Murach的C# 2012

You can use the book: "Murach's C# 2012"
It's a good book to learn C# programming and also to refer it in future.

.NET Book Zero [ ^ ]是一个简单的C ++程序员介绍。作为一名C程序员,目前尚不清楚你对OOP有多了解。
.NET Book Zero[^] is an easy introduction for a C++ programmer. As a C programmer, it's not clear how much you understand OOP.