meteor.js iron-router:防止静态模板重新渲染和毛刺?

meteor.js iron-router:防止静态模板重新渲染和毛刺?



<template name="layout">
{{> header}}
{{> primaryNav}}
{{yield 'banner'}}
{{> footer}}
{{> deleteConfirmModal }}
<span class="responsive-state"></span>


@route 'blog',
    path: '/blog/'


Everything works dandy. I can click back and forth through my header links and nav links with no glitching. But if I add a data context:

@route 'blog',
    path: '/blog/'
    data: ->
        blogPosts: BlogPosts.find({}, {date: -1, time: -1}) 


When providing a data context, whenever I navigate to and away from a route in which a data context is provided all the templates nested in the layout template appear to re-render, causing glitches due to style classes that get wiped and then replaced. If I route to any other paths that do not require (and are not provided) a data context, the static templates do not re-render.


Is there a way to prevent certain static templates from re-rendering when providing a data context for a specific route?


With Meteor in the current state- you should probably rely on renders breaking most stuff.


As for iron-router - the data is stored in a ReactiveVar, and it ensures that any changes to data cause the layoutTemplate to re-render (this might be an over-simplified interpretation).


  • 删除添加时具有动画效果的样式
  • 尝试使用保护区将元素保持完整. (注意:除元素引用外,它不保留任何内容,所有值/属性均会根据模板生成的元素进行重置)
  • 等待流星1.0,或使用新的模板渲染预览之一来修补" DOM,而不是重新插入渲染上的每个元素.